Theatre / Copenhagen
The Clean House - by Sarah Ruhe
“Would anybody like to hear a joke, or maybe even the world’s best joke??”
Upon arrival in the U.S., the sassy young Brazilian comedienne Matilde discovers that no one will pay to hear her rural jokes in Portuguese. Finding herself forced to clean for the upper classes, the world and household of her new employer – careerwoman Doctor Lane - hillariously falls apart. Not only with the arrival of Lane’s fetish cleaner-sister, Virginia but more so with the arrival of her husband’s mistress. Charles, another highly successfull and charismatic surgeon has fallen in love with his beautiful and much older patient Ana. While apples fall and hearts are broken, Matilde tries to think up the world’s best joke -a joke so hillariously funny, that once you hear it, you will die of laughter.
Cast: Jens Blegaa, Isabel Escudero Zorde, Vanessa Poole Jönsson, Jana Pulkrabek, Tina Robinson
Director: Jeremy M. Thomas-Poulsen
Set Design: Jonathon Perry
Light & Sounddesign: Paul Damade
Written by: Sarah Ruhl
A German-Danish Coproduction by: Manusarts GmbH, Down The Rabbit Hole Theatre
Where: Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2, 2100 København Ø
When: Sep.19th – Oct. 6th, Tue-Sat at 20.00 / Sun at 17.00
Further information:
The Performance is in English
Photo by: Filip Misiak Orestes