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Theatre, Stade

Bist Du tot? - Nee Prost


Carl Friedrich Bellmann (1740–1795) is considered a folk hero in Sweden, honored for his music with monuments and statues all over the country and of course with the passing on of his songs from generation to generation. A selection of Bellmann’s songs and excerpts from his lyrics are being presented as the official opening event of “Hallo, Hej, Hej…” - a festival selection of German-Danish-Swedish encounters. For this unique experience, actors and musicians from different nations meet to form an international ensemble -united through the language of art by Carl Michael Bellmann’s words, thoughts and melodies.


Cast: Andreas Grötzinger, Peter Kühn

Directed by: Peter Kühn


Music: Bellmann-Kollektiv under the direction of Jörn Marcussen-Wulff,  


Bigband Fette Hupe : 

Benny Brown (Hamburg)

Milena Hoge (Hamburg)

Tini Thomsen (Lüneburg)

Fynn Großmann (Hannover)

Clara Däubler (Hannover)

Eike Wulfmeier (Hannover)

Silvan Strauss (Hamburg)


Where: Freiluftbühne am STADEUM, Stade  / Live-Event

When: Thursday 10.06.2021 at 19:30 Uhr  (doors open at 18:30)

Tickets: STADEUM, Tel: 04141 40 91 40 und

Further Infos: Program

An event by: Seminarturnhalle Kulturhaus Stade and Hansestadt Stade, Department for City Twinning in cooperation with the cultural institution STADEUM, in collaboration with Move the North.
















10 Andreas_Grötzinger_015.jpeg

Andreas Grötzinger

Copyright: Annemone Taake

Peter Kühn

Copyright: Michael Hensel

Jörn Marcussen-Wulff

Copyright: Ralf Hansen

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