Film Screening / Kiel
A network meet & mingle event.
The Marineviertel in Kiel is a historic well known sight and several scenes of the Factory Drop film shoot were filmed in the attaceed historic prison in October 2022.
Move the North is delighted to be welcoming the representatives of the City of Kiel’s Kulturamt and the Filmwerstatt Kiel (MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holsetin), the Freie Tanzkompanie Kiel, as well as film director Petja Pulkrabek and producer Jana Pulkrabek. Together with the managing team of the Marineviertel, the audience is invited to network and take a sneak preview at the work-in-progress material.
The network meetings are upon invitation. If you are interested to participate and for all further information please contact
When: 29.06.2023, 18:30 - 20.30
Where: Maritimes Viertel Kiel, Arkonastraße 1, 24106 Kiel