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Film / Hamburg
Danish Shorts by OFF


OFF – Odense International Film Festival, launched in 1975, is Denmark's oldest international and only Academy Award-Qualifying short film festival. Here, they celebrate the short film format as an art form, a playground for creative minds and movie makers alike. Every year the festival receives thousands of international and Danish submissions, but only a small, carefully chosen selection of short films make it into the final competition programme.

Move the North is delighted to welcome Head of Festival & Programme at OFF Birgitte Weinberger who will present a selection of short films that have all been part of OFF’s competition programme over the years.

The five short films selected for this screening have all competed in the Danish Competition at OFF: Daimi (2012), Ernst og lyset (1996), Vore fædres sønner (2015), Untamed (2016) and Maja (2018) – and they also happen to be some of the festival leader’s personal favorites.


A collaboration with Hamburg Shortfilm Festival

Where: Metropolis Kino, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
When: 8.6. at 21:30




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