Setting cultural impulses for the future - Move the North connects culture, people, regions and ideas!
Culture connects People
For many years the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg and Greater Copenhagen have been actively pursuing closer collaboration. The Fehmarnbelt fixed link and the accelerated transport routes will allow two of the most attractive regions of Europe to move closer together.
Move the North makes culture an important alley on this path. Through a wide range of cross-border activities, Move the North creates cultural bridges and connects the people of the regions across the Baltic Sea. As a cross-border-festival and network platform for cultural exchange and collaboration, Move the North is present all throughout the year within the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg, Greater Copenhagen and the Fehmarnbelt Region, bringing together artists from all disciplines and regions.

Cross-Border Festival
The Move the North festival kicked off in 2019 presenting over 30 individual projects during 100 days of cultural activity. The line up of events featured events in Germany, Denmark and Sweden, such as filmdays, exhibitions, concerts, theatre collaborations and network initiatives. Move the North tied the knot with the Cities of Hamburg, Copenhagen and Malmö, Stade, Odense and Lübeck, inviting the people of the regions to enjoy culture, to network and to visit and to connect beyond country borders.
In 2021 and 2022 two major outdoor summer festivals were hosted in Hamburg as addition to the regular three-country cultural program. Each festival invited numerous artists from Scandinavia to perform in Hamburg, presenting more than 50 events and 100 artists in total.

Move the North - Festival directors
"We firmly believe in the power of culture. This is exactly what Move the North is about: We are a festival and network platform at the same time and we want to allow the Nordic regions to grow closer together through the use of cultural exchange, cross-border collaboration and joint co-productions and to unite in setting new impulses."
Jana & Petja Pulkrabek

The Collaboration Platform
Art thrives on movement and in interaction. Through encounters with other nations, new impulses can emerge. Therefore, we follow the mission to internationally bring together art and artists of all disciplines. Move the North functions as an international collaboration platform and joint strategy project where partners from Germany, Denmark and Sweden cooperate in order to create a vibrant and dynamic bridge across the Baltic Sea.

Move the North - Ambassador
Former Mayor of Copenhagen: Pia Allerslev is Move the North Ambassador
„One of the most important lessons l learned in my 6 years as Mayor for Culture and Leisure in the City of Copenhagen was; if you want to make an impact, if you want people to discover the similarities between different cultures, countries, religions and mentalities, if you want people to reflect and react – use theatre, music and art."
Move the Norths combines all these things, and allows us to remember, and maybe even reinvent, the close bond between our 3 countries – and our region. This festival will have a fantastic, relevant and beautiful impact in the corporation between our nations in the years to come.“
Pia Allerslev - Move the North Ambassador
Former Mayor in Copenhagen (2008-2017)

Culture Moves
Cross-culture is a dynamic tool to create personal networks and improve relations between individuals, regions and countries. Move the North would be pleased to welcome you on board as one of our partners. Move with us!
To connect the regions through cultural ties and joint innitiatives.
To mutually brand Northern European culture and values.
To create new cross-genre trends together and promote innovative ideas.
To enhance international resonance and cultural tourism.